(revised 9/19/2017; Judaica News and Judaica News Index updated monthly)
In April 2002, Mr. Sol Singer, a successful Atlanta businessman, generously donated to Emory University The Sol Singer Collection of Philatelic Judaic which he had lovingly built over forty years. Housed in the Emory Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library, this remarkable Collection comprises three parts: every stamp issued by the state of Israel through the mid-1990s, most of them in multiple formats (“series 1”); twenty volumes of stamps featuring Jewish themes on stamps around the world (“series 2”); and a complete set of stamps issued by the Jewish National Fund (“series 3”).
For some time, Emory students, together with Professor David R. Blumenthal, have been studying this Collection. Below is a series of articles reflecting their work, including the newly-developed "Stampcharts." The first article, "Stampcharts for Israeli and Topical Judaica Postage Stamps," explains this work.
How to Use this Website, the "Stampcharts,"and the "Sol Singer Collection of Philatelic Judaic
"Stampcharts for Israeli and Topical Judaica Postage Stamps," Geoffrey Horowitz and David R. Blumenthal
Emory Stampchart for Israeli and Topical Judaica Postage Stamps (chart)
General Stampchart for Israeli and Topical Judaica Postage Stamps (chart)
Articles by Emory Students
"Anti-Israeli Stamps Featured in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately," Geoffrey Horowitz
"A Holocaust Stampchart for Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately," Kyung Eun Lee
"Sports Events and Athletes in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately," Evan Kassimir
"Jewish Painters in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately" Saryn Levy
"Women in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately" Levi Stewart
"On Yiddish Postage: Yiddish Stamps Featured in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately," Alec Fox
Articles by Guests
"Rabbis on Stamps," Shnayer Leiman.
"Jewish Women Nobel Laureates on Stamps," Gene Eisen.
"A Jewish Philatelist's Voyage on the Seven Seas," Peter Keeda.
"The First 'Jewish' Stamps: Luboml," Hilton Israelsohn
"Birds on Israeli Stamps," list.
"Portraits of Famous People," list.
http://www.homeadvisor.com/r/home-stamp-collecting-tips/#.VxDkrD82OUg -- How to Start a Stamp Collection, a suggestion from the Courtney Phillips stamp collectors.
http://www.holocaustjourney.com/ -- A wonderful website on the holocaust as seen through the postal service. Lots of pictures; list of terms; clearly done.
"Eleven Rosh Hashana Stamps that Tell the Story of Israel," Israel 21C, 9/19/2017.