Abrahamov, B. Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism: The Teachings of Al-Ghazali and Al-Dabbag

Adler, R. Engendering Judaism


Albrecht, Sarah. Dar al-Islam Revisited: Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West.


Badiel, D. Jews Don’t Count

Bar-Zohar M., Bitter Scent: The Case of L'Oréal, Nazis, and the Arab Boycott

Siddur B'Chol L'vav'cha: With All Your Heart and Siddur Sha'ar Zahav

Bat Ye’or, Autobiographie politique

Bat Ye’or, La dernière khamsin

Boyarin D., Intertextuality and the Reading of Midrash

Brickman, P., Extracted: Unmasking Rampant Antisemitism in America’s Higher Education.

Brock, R. and G. Lettini, Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury After War

Brock, R. and R. A. Parker, Proverbs of Ashes: Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us

Broyde, M. Marriage, Divorce, and the Abandoned Wife in Jewish Law

Broyde, M. and S. Pill, Setting the Table: An Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Rabbi Michael Yechiel Epstein’s Arukh Hashulhan

Buergenthal, T. A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy

Carter, Jimmy. A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power

Cohen, B. My Jesus Year: A Rabbi’s Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith

Dan. J. The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences

Davis, M. Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition

Dershowitz, A. Abraham: The World's First (But Certainly Not Last) Jewish Lawyer

Divakaruni, C.B., The Palace of Illusions.

Even Chen, A. The Binding of Isaac: Mystical and Philosophical Interpretation of the Bible

Faur, J., Homo Mysticus: A Guide to Maimonides's Guide for the Perplexed

Fishbane, E., As Light Before Dawn: The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist

Fishkoff, Sue, The Rebbe's Army: Inside the World of Chabad

Flueckiger, J., In Amma's Healing Room: Gender and Vernacular Islam in South India

Fogelman, E, Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust

Ghobash, Omar, Letters to a Young Muslim

Gibbs, R. and E. Wolfson, Suffering Religion

Goldfeder, M., Legalizing Plural Marriage: The Next Frontier in Family Law.

Green A., Seek My Face, Speak My Name

Gubo, D. T., Blasphemy and Defamation of Religions in a Polarized World, Reviews in Religion and Theology.

Harbin, T. Waking Up Blind: Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery

Heschel, A.J., Heavenly Torah as Reflected Through the Generations, ed. & transl., G. Tucker

Hoffman, A. and P. Cole, Sacred Trash: The Lost and Found World of the Cairo Geniza

Horn, D., People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present.

Houellebecq, M., Soumission

Jackson, T., Mordecai Would Not Bow Down: Antisemitism, the Holocaust and Christian Supersessionism.

Kasimow, H. and J. and L. Keenan. Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha

Kahn, S., Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel

Kaplan, J. My Perfect One: Typology and Early Rabbinic Interpretation of Song of Songs

Kaye, A., The Invention of Jewish Theocracy

Kellner, M., Maimonides’ Confrontation with Mysticism

Klein Halevi, Yossi, At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden

Konner, M. Unsettled: An Anthropology of the Jews

Konner, M., Believers: Faith in Human Nature

Kuschel, K.-J. , "Ich schaffe Finsternis und Unheil": Ist Gott verantwortlich für das Übel and Laughter: A Theological Reflection

Lavett, D. A Still, Small Voice: Healing from Abuse

Lavett, D. Ultimate Concerns

Laytner, A., The Mystery of Suffering and the Meaning of God.

Levenson, J., The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son

Levitt, L., Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home and R. Adler, Engendering Judaism

Linafelt, T., Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust

Linafeld, T. et al., The Fate of King David: The Past and Present of a Biblical Icon

Linn, R., Conscience at War: The Israeli Soldier as a Moral Critic

Lytton, T., Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food

Madsen, C. The Bones Reassemble: Reconstituting Liturgical Speech

Matt, D. The Zohar, Pritzker Edition, vols. 1 and 2

Merkur, D. Maimonides' Cure of Souls: Medieval Precursor of Psychoanalysis (long form)

Merkur, D. Maimonides' Cure of Souls: Medieval Precursor of Psychoanalysis (short form)

Müller, I., Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich

Novak, D., Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature.

Oliner, P., Embracing the Other

Peskowitz, M. and L. Levitt, Judaism Since Gender

L. Purdue, et al., Families in Ancient Israel

Schoenfeld, D., Isaac on Jewish and Christian Altars: Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria.

Shaked, M., Moshe Landau, Judge

Skibell, J., A Curable Romantic

Tishby, I., The Wisdom of the Zohar

Umansky, E. and D. Ashton, Four Centuries of Jewish Women's Spirituality

Weishut, D., Intercultural Friendship: The Case of a Palestinian Bedouin and a Dutch Israeli Jew

Wiesenthal, S., The Sunflower [first edition]

Wiesenthal, S., The Sunflower [second edition] 

Zornberg, A., Moses: A Human Life


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