/Users/reldrb/Desktop/BLUMENTHAL website/JSlogo.gifDavid R. Blumenthal

(last update: 6/16/2024)


Personal Information

Professional Information


Honors, Awards, Fellowships

Professional Societies

University Activities

Courses Taught






Book Reviews

Book Notices

Lectures and Papers

Contemporary Judaism



Book Reviews

Book Notices

Lectures and Papers



Personal Information

Jay and Leslie Cohen Professor of Judaic Studies, retired

email: reldrb@emory.edu

home: 1699 Mason Mill Rd., Atlanta, GA 30329

home: 404-634-3833; (fax: 404-315-7187)

born: December 28, 1938, Houston, Texas

wife: Ursula Noether; three children: Philippe, Jonathan, Benjamin

citizenship: U.S.A.


Professional Information


B.A., Senior Distinction, 1960, University of Pennsylvania

Junior Year at Hebrew University, Jerusalem

M.H.L., 1961; Ordination, 1964, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Junior Year at Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Ph.D., Religion, 1972, Columbia University

Doctoral study in Paris with Professor G. Vajda, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 6/70 - 12/71

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships


Tuition scholarships, University of Pennsylvania, 1956-60

Phi Beta Kappa, 1959

Tuition scholarships, Jewish Theological Seminary, 1960-64

Morris D. Levine Memorial Prize in Modern Hebrew Literature, 1961

Sara Solis Nathan Prize (co-recipient), 1962

Dr. Morris Silverman Award in Liturgy (co-recipient), 1964

Summer Faculty Research Stipend, Brown University, 1974


Judaica Library Acquisition grant, Atlanta Jewish Federation,

matched by Emory University, 1976

Departmental Enrichment Fund grants, 1976-80

Endowed Book Funds, 1976-80

Fellowship for Independent Research, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1978

Schatten Scholarship in Judaic Studies, 1978

Witness to the Holocaust Project grants, 1978-79

Dorot Israel Travel grants, 1979

Publication grant, Emory University, 1980

Publication grant, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1980

Hebrew Culture Foundation, 1977-79


Schatten Gallery in the Woodruff Library, 1980

National Endowment for the Humanities grant for the Danzig Exhibit, 1980

Georgia Council for the Humanities grant for the Danzig Exhibit, 1980

Atlanta Jewish Federation grant for the Danzig Exhibit, 1980

German Federal Republic grant for the Danzig Exhibit, 1980

Goethe Institute grant for the Danzig Exhibit, 1980

Dorot Israel Travel grants, 1980-85

Dorot Publication grant, 1981

Release-time Research Grant, Emory University, 1982

Crawford Fellow, 1983

Dorot Professorship in Hebrew Literature, 1984

Witness to the Holocaust, Atlanta Jewish Federation, 1984

Witness to the Holocaust, Georgia Council for the Humanities, 1980

Witness to the Holocaust, 1980-85

Hebrew Computational Linguistics, 1984

Special Travel Grant, Dorot Foundation, 1985

Hebrew Culture Foundation, 1980-85


Dorot Israel Travel Grants, 1986-90

Special Travel Grant, Dorot Foundation, 1986, 1987

Publication Grants, 1986

Jack Boozer Fund, 1987-90

Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award in the Humanities, 1988

Littauer Publications Grant, 1989

National Conference of Christians and Jews, Trialogue Conference Grant, 1989

Hebrew Culture Foundation, 1986-90

Jewish Studies Enrichment Fund, 1990

Special Dorot Study Grant, 1990


Dorot Israel Travel Grants, 1991-95

Jewish Studies Enrichment Fund, 1992, 1993, 1994

Position in Jewish Law & Ethics, 1991, 1992, 1994

Dorot Professorship in Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies, 1993

Dorot grant to Chinese Jews at West Georgia, 1993

program grant to Schatten Gallery, 1994

Hermann Noether Fund, 1994

Jewish Studies M.A. Enrichment Fund, 1995

Jewish Studies M.A. Tuition Grants, 1995

Holocaust Studies Grant, 1995

Bulgarian History Grant, 1995

Jewish Law Program, 1995


European Academy of Sciences, member, 2003-

Distinguished Teaching Award, Bar Ilan University, 2007

Doctor of Humane Letters, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, 2014, Spring.

Grants for development of the Sol Singer Philatelic Collection, 2017.

Two-year grant for instruction is Jewish and Islamic Studies in Candler School of Theology, 2017.

Academic Appointments

Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Middle Eastern Languages, University of Minnesota, 1972-73

Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Religious Studies, Brown University, 1973-74

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Religious Studies, Brown University, 1974-76

Associate Professor, Jay and Leslie Cohen Chair of Judaic Studies, Dept. of Religion, Emory University, 1976-81

Associate Faculty, Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University, 1976-

Professor, Jay and Leslie Cohen Chair of Judaic Studies, Dept. of Religion, Emory University, 1981-2019

Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, 1983-84

Visiting Scholar, Jewish Theological Seminary, 1983-84

Visiting Scholar in Jewish Mysticism, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, Spring 1995

Berman Visiting Professor, Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, Spring 1996.

Skirball Fellow, Oxford Centre for Post-Graduate Jewish Studies, England, Spring 1996.

Senior Fellow, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religion, Emory University, 2001-2003.

Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Israel, 2002-2003.

Instructor in Jewish Mysticism, CET Jewish Studies Program, Prague, Spring 2006.

Visiting Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Bar Ilan University, Israel, 2007, Fall.

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Leuven, Belgium, 2009, Winter.

David R. Blumenthal prize for the best manuscript in medieval Jewish Studies, E.J. Brill, December 2014

Haifa University, Affiliated Professor, 2016-

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Professional Societies

(* = significant active responsibilities)

Phi Beta Kappa, 1959-

American Academy of Jewish Research, 1964-2019

American Association of University Professors, 1972-2019

Association for Jewish Studies, 1972-2019

*Executive Committee, 1976-83; *Board of Directors, 1976-83

Nominating Committee, Chairperson, 1976-77; Membership and Placement Committee, 1975-76

*Vice-President for Program, 1978-80; *Vice-President for Membership and Placement, 1980-83

American Academy of Religion, 1973-2019

Vice-Chairperson, History of Judaism, 1978-80

Medieval Academy of America, 1973-86

Editorial Committee, Religious Studies Review, "Ethics and Related Areas," 1978-80

*Editorial Comm., Association for Jewish Studies Review, 1978-84

American Academic Liaison Committee, Tel Aviv University, 1979-86

*Continuing Seminar in Zionist Thought, 1979-86

*Editorial Committee, Brown Judaic Studies, 1980-89

*Editor, Etudes Sur Le Judaisme Medieval, 1981-94

Special Advisor to Chairman, United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 1982-87

*Task Team on Christian-Jewish Relations, Presbyterian Church, 1982-87

Atlanta Hillel Board / Atlanta YAD, 1985-2000

Omicron Delta Kappa, 1985-2019

Jewish Book Council Awards, judge, 1986.

Theta Alpha Kappa, 1987-2019

Interuniversity Fellowship in Jewish Studies, advisory comm., 1986-2000

External Review Team, Graduate Program in Religion, Temple University, 1988

*Constructive Jewish Theology Group. Association for Jewish Studies, chairperson, 1986-95

*Jewish Task Team Chairperson, International Trialogue, National Conference of Christians & Jews, 1988-94

Academic Advisory Committee, World Zionist Organization, 1989-94

Indo-Judaic Studies, editorial board, 1994-

Jewish Spectator, contributing editor, 1995-2006

Wroxton Seminar on the Holocaust, facilitator, 1996-2006

Church Relations Committee, United States Holocaust Museum, member, 1997-2012

Anne Frank Exhibit, Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, 1997

Reviews in Religion and Theology, editorial board, 1998-

Journal of Religion and Abuse, editorial board, 1998-2007

RFTF, 2000, steering committee, 1998-2000

RFTF Scholars' Platform, 2001-2002

European Academy of Sciences, member, 2003-

European Academy of Sciences, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Scientific Committee of the Advisory Council, member 2013-

Soul Repair Center, Advisory Board, 2012-15

University Activities

University of Minnesota, 1972-73

Committee on Jewish Studies, Secretary

Brown University, 1975-76

Committee on Lectures and Colloquia, chpn.

Emory University--on-going appointments (*=time-consuming)

*Development of the Jay and Leslie Cohen Chair of Judaic Studies, 1976-2019

*Internship Program, Director, 1981-95

Committee on Medieval Studies, 1976-86

"Witness to the Holocaust" Project, co-director, 1978-82; *director, 1982-94

*Goldwasser Lectureship Committee, Chair, 1984-2019

*Dorot Travel Fund Committee, Chair, 1980-2019

*Boozer-Noether Fund Committee, Chair, 1994-

*Jewish Studies M.A., Executive Committee, 1994-2019

Emory University--short-term appointments (*=time-consuming)

Black Studies Coordinating Committee, 1976-80

Pitts Theology Library Committee, 1976-80

*University Symposium Committee, 1976-79

*Mellon Fellowship Committee, 1978-80

Academic Standards Committee, 1980-83

Dept. Library Representative, 1978-79, 1980-82

Educational Policy Committee, 1978-79

Nominating Committee, 1979

*Humanities Review Committee, 1980-81

*Danzig Exhibit Committee, co-chpn., 1980-81

Ad-hoc Tenure Review Committee, 1981

*Theological Studies Study Committee, 1980-81

*Human Rights Symposium Publication Committee, 1981-83

*Judaic Studies Search Committee, 1982, 1985, 1987

*Chairperson, Department of Religion, 1984-88

Christian Studies Search Committee, 1986, 1987

Law & Religion Committee, 1986-

Hebrew Search Committee, 1989-90

Aquinas Center Search Committee, 1990-91

Ethics Center, Advisory Council, 1989-96

AIDS Task Force, member, 1990-93

Schatten Gallery, exhibit, 1992

Aquinas Center, board, 1991-96

*Judaic Studies Search Committee, 1991-92

Faculty advisor, Emory Israel Political Affairs Committee, 2011-

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Courses Taught


Introduction to Judaism

Understanding Contemporary Judaism (School of Theology)

Internship in Religion

Biblical Literature and Faith

Survey of the Jewish Mystical Tradition

Evil: Philosophic, Textual, and Literary Approaches

Evil: Social Scientific Approaches

Introduction to Religion: Judaism and Hinduism

Biblical Literacy

The Bible and Its Music


Judaism in the Medieval Period

The Jewish Mystical Tradition

Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed (in transl.)

The Zohar (in transl.): beginner and advanced

Popular Jewish Culture

Saadia's Book of Beliefs and Convictions (in transl.)

Medieval Biblical Exegesis

The Akeda


The Modernization of Judaism

Survey of Contemporary Jewish Thought

The Holocaust

The Ethics of Judaism

Jewish Humor

Jewish-Christian Dialogue

Living Theologians Only

Abraham Joshua Heschel and Mordecai M. Kaplan

Elie Wiesel

Language and Original Texts

Advanced Hebrew: grammar and literature

Medieval Hebrew: exegetical, philosophical, and poetic texts

Accelerated Hebrew: aural-oral and newspaper

Talmud: beginning and intermediate, (in translation)

Jewish liturgy

The Book of Psalms

Independent Reading and Graduate Courses

The Religious Dimensions of Judaism

Judaeo-Arabic Texts

Three Medieval Religions

Women in the Midrashic Tradition

The Women's Prayerbook

Jewish Secularists and Jewish Civil Religion

Tradition and Change in Modern Cultures

Sources of Jewish Liberalism

The Biblical Roots of Dialogic Theology

Theism and Its Critics (team taught)

Seminar in Theological Writing

Methods in Jewish Studies

Jewish Spirituality

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JAAR = Journal of the American Academy of Religion

REJ = Revue des études juives

CJ = Conservative Judaism

JSS = Jewish Social Studies

JQR = Jewish Quarterly Review

JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies

RSR = Religious Studies Review

Medieval Studies



The Commentary of R. Hoter Ben Shelomo to the Thirteen Principles of Maimonides, E. J. Brill, Leiden, as vol. 6 of Etudes sur le judaisme médiéval, ed. G. Vajda.


"Perspectives to the History of Judaism," editor, section of History, Religion, And Spiritual Democracy: Essays in Honor of Joseph L. Blau, general editor, M. Wohlgelernter, Columbia University Press, New York.


The Philosophic Questions and Answers of Hoter Ben Shelomo, E. J. Brill, Leiden, as vol. 11 of Etudes sur le judaisme médiéval, ed. G. Vajda.


Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times, vol. I, general editor, Scholars Press, Chico.


Al-Kitab Al-Muhtawi de Yusuf Al-Basir, texte, traduction, et commentaire par Georges Vajda, editor, volume 12 of Etudes sur le judaisme médiéval, E. J. Brill, Leiden.


Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times, vol. II, ed., Scholars Press, Chico.


Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times, vol. III, ed., Scholars Press.


Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion, Bar Ilan University Press.


Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion, Bar Ilan University Press; released as ebook.



"A Play on Words in the Nineteenth Chapter of Job," Vetus Testamentum, 16:497-501. (downloadable version)


"A Comparative Table of the Bombay, Cairo, and Beirut Editions of the Rasa'il 'Ikhwan Al-Safa'," Arabica, 21:186-203.


(1) "Maimonides' Intellectualist Mysticism and the Superiority of the Prophecy of Moses," Studies in Medieval Culture, 10:51-68; reprinted in Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times, ed., D. Blumenthal (Scholars Press, Chico: 1984) 27-52; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 3; Web version.

(2) "On the Intellect and the Rational Soul," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 15:207-11.


(1) "Peirush Ratsionalisti le-Qeta`im mi-Pirqei de-Rabbi 'Eli`ezer," Tarbiz, 48:99-106.

(2) "Some Methodological Reflections on the Study of Jewish Mysticism," Religion, 8:101-14.


(1) "Was There an Eastern Tradition of Maimonidean Scholarship," REJ, 128:57-68.

(2) "Ezekiel's Vision Seen Through the Eyes of a Philosophic Mystic," JAAR, 47:417-27; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 10.


(1) "The Creator and the Computer," History, Religion, And Spiritual Democracy: Essays in Honor of Joseph L. Blau, ed. M. Wohlgelernter (Columbia University Press, N.Y.) 114-29. Web version.

(2) "An Illustration of the Concept `Philosophic Mysticism' from Fifteenth Century Yemen," Hommage à Georges Vajda: Etudes d'histoire et de pensee juive, ed. G. Nahon, et al. (Louvain) 291-308; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 8.

(3) "The Complexification of the Pleroma in Medieval Judaism," Niv Hamidrashia (Jerusalem) 80-91; reprinted in Jacob's Ladder and the Tree of Life, ed. M.L. and P.G. Kuntz (Peter Lang, Bern and New York: 1986) 179-90; Web version.

(4) "On the Study of Philosophic Mysticism," History of Judaism: The Next Ten Years, ed. B. Bokser, Brown Judaic Studies (Scholars Press, Chico) 81-92; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 11.

(5) "On the Theories of 'Ibda` and Ta'thir," Die Welt des Islams 20:162-77.


"An Example of Ismaili Influence in Post-Maimonidean Yemen," Studies in Judaism and Islam Presented to S. D. Goitein, ed. S. Morag, et al. (Magnes Press, Jerusalem) 155-74.


"A Philosophical-Mystical Interpretation of a Shi'ur Qomah Text," Studies in Jewish Mysticism, ed. J. Dan and F. Talmage (Association for Jewish Studies, Cambridge, Mass.) 153-71; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 9.


"Religion and the Religious Intellectuals: The Case of Medieval Judaism," Take Judaism For Example, ed. J. Neusner (University of Chicago Press) 117-42.


"Georges Vajda: In Memoriam," AJSnewsletter 35:3-5.


(1) "Maimonides on Mind and Metaphoric Languages," Approaches to the Study of Judaism in Medieval Times, vol. II, 123-32.

(2) "Tirgum `Aravi le-Hilkhot Yesode Ha-Torah" (Hebrew), Da'at 14:113-44.

(3) "A Lesson from the Arcane World of the Heavenly Spheres according to Maimonides," Hebrew Annual Review (special Goitein Festschrift) 9:79-80.


(1) "Lovejoy's Great Chain of Being and the Medieval Jewish Tradition," Jacob's Ladder and the Tree of Life, ed. M. L. and P.G. Kuntz (Peter Lang, Bern and New York) 179-90; reprinted from Niv Hamidrashia (Jerusalem: 1980) 80-91; Web version.

(2) "Maimonides on Angel Names," Hellenica et Judaica, ed. A. Caqot (Peeters, Leuven) 351-63.


(1) "On Being a Rationalist and a Mystic," The Reconstructionist, 53:25-8; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 12. web version.

(2) "Maimonides: Prayer, Worship, and Mysticism," Prière, Mystique et Judaisme, ed. R. Goetschel (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France) 89-106; reprinted in Appproaches to Judaism in Medieval Times, ed. D. Blumenthal (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988) 1-16; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 4; Web version.


"Croyance et attributs essentiels dans la théologie juive médiévale et moderne," REJ 152:415-23. Web version.


(1) "What is 'Philosophic Mysticism,'" Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 1.

(2) "Philosophic Mysticism: The Ultimate Goal of Medieval Judaism," Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture, ed. B. Hary and H. Ben-Shammai (Brill, Leiden: 2006) 1-18; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 5; Web version.

(3) "Maimonides' Philosophic Mysticism," Maimonides and Mysticism, ed. A. Elqayam and D. Schwartz, Da'at 64-66 (2009) V-XXV; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 6; Web version.

(4) "Ha-Rambam ke-Mystikan" (Hebrew), 5-16 (Hebrew); reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 13.


“Maimonides: Science Generates Faith” Decalogue Lecture Series, Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University, 9/18/2006.


"Dhamari, Mansur Sulayman (Hoter ben Shelomo)," Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World, ed. N. Stillman, (E. J. Brill, Leiden: 2010) 1: 69-70.

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Book Reviews


(1) N. Golb, The Spertus Catalogue of Judaica: Yemenite Manuscripts, REJ, 23:343-5.

(2) S. D. Goiten, Letters of Medieval Traders, JSS, 36:336-8.

(3) G. Se'd-Rejna, Le Commentaire sur la Liturgie Quotidienne, History of Religions, 15:100-3.

(4) I. Efros, Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Sociology and Social Research, 2:34-5.


(1) L. Jacobs, Mystical Testimonies, REJ, 136:450-2.

(2) A. Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam, International Journal for Philosophy and Religion, 10:265-8.

(3) C. Touati, La Pensée Philosophique de Gersonide; D. Hartman, Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest; N. Samuelson, Gersonides on God's Knowledge; and L. Schwartz, Wolfson of Harvard, RSR, 5:107-11.


H. Halm, Kosmologie und Heilslehre der frühen islamischen Gnosis, Die Welt des Islams, 20:116-7.


I. Twersky, Introduction to the Code of Maimonides, JJS, 32:108-112.


(1) S. Klein-Braslavy, Maimonides' Interpretation of the Story of Creation (Hebrew), JQR, 72:223-5.

(2) F. Lucchetta, Epistola Sul'intelletto, JAAR, 50:485-6.

(3) D. Halperin, The Merkabah in Rabbinic Literature, Journal of Biblical Literature, 101:612-3.

(4) I. Marcus, Piety and Society, JQR, 73:87-9.


(1) A. J. Heschel, Maimonides: A Biography, JJS, 34:108-9.

(2) T. Schrire, Hebrew Magic Amulets, JSS, 45:187.


(1) Y. Reinharz and D. Swetschinski, Mystics, Philosophers, and Politicians, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 22:123-5.

(2) P. Fenton, The Treatise of the Pool, JAAR, 52:398-9.

(3) M. Cohen, The Shi'ur Qomah: Liturgy and Theurgy in Pre-Kabbalistic Jewish Mysticism, REJ, 143:167-8.


D. Matt, Zohar: The Book of Enlightenment, Jewish Spectator, Winter, 51. web version.


M. Idel, The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia, Jewish Spectator, Fall, 37-9.


P. Fenton, Deux traités de mystique juive, REJ, 148:3-9, 118-20.


M. Idel, Kabbalah: New Perspectives, American Historical Review, (Feb.) 127-8.


I. Tishby, The Book of Splendor, JAAR (summer) 285-7. Web version.


(1) J. Faur, Homo Mysticus: A Guide to Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed, Review of Books in Religion and Theology, 7:5 (November) 487-90. Web version.


J. Levenson, The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son, Revue des études juives, 160:1-2 (janvier 2001) 265-68.

T. Linafelt, Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust, Conservative Judaism, (fall 2001) 111-12.


J. Dan, The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 10:2 (April 2003) 133-35.


B. Abrahamov, Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism: The Teachings of Al-Ghazzali and Al-Dabbagh, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 11:1 (February 2004) 122-23. Web version.


A. Even-Chen, The Binding of Isaac: Mystical and Philosophical Interpretations of the Bible (Hebrew), Reviews in Religion and Theology, 15:2 (March 2008) 269-82.

Book Notices


(1) E. Gottlieb, Studies in Kabbalah Literature (Hebrew), AJSN, 21:11.

(2) L. Jacobs, Hasidic Thought, The New Review of Books and Religion, 2:12

(3) F. Talmage, Disputation and Dialogue, JAAR, 46:82.

(4) L. Guttmann, Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed, RSR, 5:226.


(1) H. A. Wolfson, Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy, JAAR, 48:294.

(2) M. Hayoun, transl., Le Nom et les symboles de Dieu by Gershom Scholem, RSR, 10:189.


(1) A. J. Heschel, The Circle of the Baal Shem Tov, RSR 12:176.

(2) L. Fine, Safed Spirituality, RSR, 13:85.


(1) N. Janowitz, The Poetics of Ascent, RSR, 17:44

(2) M. Idel, Golem, RSR, 17:270

(3) A. Green, Devotion and Commandment, RSR, 17:267

(4) A. Keller, Approche de la Mystique, RSR, 18:124.

(5) C. Mopsik, Les grandes textes de la Cabale, RSR 20:345-6

Lectures and Papers


(1) "Chapter Ten: On Ecstasy, of Rabbi Judah al-Botini," New England Regional Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Fall.

(2) "Maimonides on Euthanasia, A Preliminary Survey," Kennedy Center for Bioethics, Georgetown University, Spring.


(1) An Example of Ismaili Influence in Post-Maimonidean Yemen," International Philosophy Conference, New York, Spring.

(2) "Lovejoy's Great Chain of Being and the Medieval Jewish Tradition," The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Spring.


(1) "Does Teaching Religion Require a Religious Commitment," Panel, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Fall.

(2) "A Philosophic-Mystical Interpretation of a Shi`ur Qomah Text," Regional Conference, Association for Jewish Studies, Spring.

(3) "Understanding the Kabbalah: How to Decipher a Zoharic Text," Concordia University, Spring.

(4) "Maimonides: Medieval Jewish Intellectual," University of Tennessee, Winter.

(5) "On Studying Philosophic Mysticism," Richter Conference Brown University, Spring.


"Maimonides: Philosophical Structure and Mystical Piety," Yale University, Fall.


(1) "The Evidence for Maimonides' Philosophic Mysticism," Center for Israel and Jewish Studies, Columbia University, Winter.

(2) Scholar in Residence, Southeastern Region of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Winter.

(3) Scholar in Residence, Ahavas Israel, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Spring.

(4) Conference on Judaeo-Arabic Studies, University of Chicago, Spring.


(1) "Maimonides: Prayer, Worship, and Mysticism," Colloque sur la priere, mystique, et judaisme, Université de Strasbourg, Fall.

(2) The State of Scholarship in Maimonidean Studies, Harvard University, Fall.

(3) "Jewish Mysticism," Bureau of Jewish Education, 8 sessions, Fall.

(4) "Maimonides: Astrophysics and Mysticism," Trinity College, Hartford, Spring.

(5) "Maimonides as a Rationalist Mystic," Medieval Institute, Kalamazoo, Spring.


(1) Jury for doctorat d'etat of Paul Fenton, Université de Lyon, France, Winter.

(2) "Maimonides: Astrophysicist, Philosopher, and Mystic," lecture in honor of the 850th anniversary of his birth, Lehigh University, Milenburg College, Southeastern Region of the Rabbinical Assembly, University of San Diego; Fall, Winter, and Spring.

(3) Conference on Jewish Mysticism, invited participants, Jewish Theological Seminary, Spring.

(4) "Maimonides' Views on the Messiah and His Time," Jewish Family Service, Atlanta, Spring.


(1) Study session on Maimonides, Southeast Rabbinical Assembly, Winter.

(2) Four study sessions on Maimonides, Southeast Rabbinical Assembly, Winter.

(3) Two study sessions on Maimonides, Rabbinical Assembly national convention, Spring.


Study sessions on Maimonides, University of Minnesota, Temple of Aaron (St. Paul), Spring.


(1) "Croyance et attributs essentiels dans la théologie médiévale et moderne," Journée d'étude en memoire de G. Vajda, Paris, Fall.

(2) "Maimonides," Emory University, Fall.


(1-4) "Maimonides' Philosophic Mysticism," Ben Gurion University, Institute for Advanced Studies (Jerusalem), Haifa University, Hebrew Academy of Sciences

(5) "Ha-Rambam ke-Mystikan," Bar Ilan University.

(6) "Maimonides and the Geniza," Emory University.

(7) jury for doctoral examination of Hervé Mimoun, Sorbonne, Paris

(8) "Maimonides' Thirteen Principles of the Faith: Just What Did He Say," Atlanta, GA.


(1) "Does Philosophy Lead to Mysticism: the Case of Maimonides," European Jewish Community Center, Brussels; University of Antwerp.

(2) "The Akedot: Penitential Prayers based on the Akeda," Atlanta, GA

(3) L’univers spirituel et intellectuel de Maïmonide,” Université de Lausanne, 12/12/13.

(4) “The Worldview of Maimonides: Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew Problems,” (lecture) NYU, fall 2018.

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Contemporary Judaism



Understanding Jewish Mysticism, vol. 1, Ktav Publishing, New York, as vol. 2 of The Library of Judaic Learning, ed. J. Neusner.


Understanding Jewish Mysticism, vol. 2, Ktav Publishing, New York, as vol. 4 of The Library of Judaic Learning, ed. J. Neusner.


Braille edition of Understanding Jewish Mysticism, R. Rubin, Jewish Braille Institute, New York.


Emory Studies on the Holocaust: An Interfaith Inquiry, ed., Emory University.


"... And Bring Them Closer to Torah": The Life and Works of Rabbi Aaron H. Blumenthal, editor, Ktav Publishing, New York.


(1) God at the Center, Harper and Row.

(2) Emory Studies on the Holocaust: An Interfaith Inquiry, Vol. 2, co-ed. S. Hanover, Emory University.


Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest, Westminster / John Knox.


God at the Center, reprinted, Jason Aronson, New Jersey.


The Banality of Good and Evil: Moral Lessons from the Shoah, Georgetown University Press.


Yankele: A Holocaust Survivor's Bittersweet Memoir, by Alex Gross, University Press of America.


Dieu au coeur, translation of God at the Center, trans. by H. Krief, Le Cerf, Paris.


La Banalité du bien et du mal, translation of The Banality of Good and Evil, trans. A. Blum, Le Cerf, Paris.


Salvador Dali's "Aliyah, the Rebirth of Israel," Exhibit at the Marcus Hillel Center, curator, with" Introduction and Commentary" (web version) and podcast.


David R. Blumenthal: Living with God and Humanity, vol. 7 Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers, ed. H. Tirosh-Samuelson and A. Hughes. E. J. Brill, Leiden, Boston. 


Portal for Jewish Prayer, Reverberations, Nov. 2015.


Keeping God at the Center: Contemplating and Using the Prayerbook, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham.




"Commentary on Agnon," The Reconstructionist, 33:16-22.


"Revelation: A Modern Dilemma," CJ, 31:64-9.


"Scholarly Approaches to the Holocaust," Sho'ah, 1:21-7; reprinted, Emory Studies on the Holocaust (1985) 14-35.


(1) "Speaking About God in the Modern World," CJ, 33:49-59.

(2) "Forgotten, Completely Forgotten -- A Hasidic Story with Commentary," Keeping Posted, 25:18-19.

(3) "On Teaching the Holocaust," The Reconstructionist, 47:12-18; reprinted in Creative Jewish Education: A Reconstructionist Response, ed. J. Stein and J. Staub (Rossell Books, N.Y.: 1985) 171-7; reprinted, Emory Studies on the Holocaust (1985) 152-61.

(4) "The Popular Jewish Response to the Holocaust: An Initial Reflection," Sho'ah, 2:3-5.


(1) "Of All Small Things...," Judaism, 30:247-8. Web version.

(2) "In the Shadow of the Holocaust," Jewish Spectator (Winter) 11-14; reprinted in expanded form as, "Memory and Meaning in the Shadow of the Holocaust," Emory Studies on the Holocaust (1985) 114-22. Web version.


"Curriculum on Teaching Jewish Spirituality," National Council of Jewish Women (not published).


(1) "Anti-semitism" (9-12), "Election" (50-2), "Exile" (62-4), "Faith" (67-9), "Israel" (94-7), "Love" (119-21), "Martyrdom" (124-7), "Personhood" (142-5), "Righteousness" (168-70), "Sin" (186-8), A Dictionary Of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, ed. L. Klenicki and G. Wigoder (Paulist Press).

(2) "The Present and the Future: The Jewish Ideal," Society and Salvation, ed. P. Sigal (Grand Rapids) 1-9.


(1) "Danzig: 1939' -- An Exercise in Interfaith Understanding," Emory Studies on the Holocaust, 136-45.

(2) The Place of Faith and Grace in Judaism (Center for Judaic-Christian Studies, Austin); reprinted "The Place of Faith and Grace in Judaism," reprinted in A Time to Speak: The Evangelical-Jewish Encounter, ed. A. J. Rudin and M. R. Wilson (Center for Judaic-Christian Studies, Austin, Texas: 1987) 104-114.


"Hitpallalti le-Yad 'Ehad ha-Nitsolim," (poem) Siah Mesharim 10:9; reprinted Emory Studies on the Holocaust, II (1988) i. Web version.


(1) "Mercy," Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought, ed. A Cohen and P. Mendes Flohr (Scribners, New York) 589-95.

(2) "The Place of Faith and Grace in Judaism," reprinted in A Time to Speak: The Evangelical-Jewish Encounter, ed. A. J. Rudin and M. R. Wilson (Center for Judaic-Christian Studies, Austin, Texas) 104-114.

(3) "On Being a Rationalist and a Mystic," The Reconstructionist, 53:25-8; reprinted in Philosophic Mysticism: Essays in Rational Religion ( Bar Ilan University Press: 2005) ch. 12. web version.


"I Prayed Next to a Survivor," (poem, Hebrew & English), Emory Studies on the Holocaust, II: ii-iii; reprinted Peace Prayers, ed. C. Leadingham, et al. (Harper & Row, San Francisco: 1992) 57-8. Web version.


(1) "Jewish Prayer Techniques," News Notes (Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship: Summer) 3-5.

(2) "God at the Center: Selected Meditations on Jewish Spirituality," Studies in Formative Spirituality, 9:3, 267-81.


"Creation -- What Difference Does It Make?" God and Creation, ed. D. Burrell & B. McGinn (Notre Dame) 154-72. Web version.


(1) "Choosing a God Language," Problems in Contemporary Jewish Theology, ed. D. Cohn-Sherbok (Edwin Mellen, Lewiston) 69-92.

(2) "Domesticating Mysticism," CJ, 43:4 (Summer) 47-55.


"Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Inadequacy of the Ecumenical Perspective" Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 29:249-53. Web version.


(1) "Who Is Battering Whom," CJ, 45:72-89. Web version.

(2) "Michael Wyschograd," Interpreters of Judaism in the Late Twentieth Century, ed. S. Katz (Washington, B'nai B'rith) 393-405. Web version.


(1) "Can Jews Celebrate Dday," Atlanta Jewish Times, 6/3/94

(2) "Revisiting American Jewish Civil Religion," Jewish Spectator, Summer, 52-317

(3) "Identifying," Creating Community, ed. J. Leavey (Atlanta, Atlanta Jewish Federation) 21-8.

(4) "Response to Rabbi A. James Rudin," Journal for Preachers, Lent, 26-9.

(5) "Jewish Perspectives on Poverty," Rethinking the Nature of Poverty. (University of Georgia: 1994) 51-6; reprinted from first edition, 1991. Web version.


(1) "Where God is Not: The Book of Esther and the Song of Songs," Judaism, 95:80-9. Web version.

(2) "My Faith is Deeper Now," Jewish Spectator (Spring) 40-3.

(3) "Angesichts des missbrauchenden Gottes: eine Protesttheologie," Dialogue, 20 (Dez.) 5-21. Web version.


(1) "What American Jews Believe: A Symposium," Commentary (August) 23-4; reprinted The Jewish Political Chronicle (June / July 1999) 41-42; Web version.

(2) "Interreligious Permeability," Buddhist-Christian Studies, 16: 45-8.

(3) "Letter from Rome," Cross Currents, (Fall) 388-93. Web version.

(4) "A Spiritual Guide for the Jewish Patient," Voices in Our Midst: Spiritual Resources, ed. G. R. Gary (Atlanta, Scholars Press) 37-40. Web version.


(1) "From Anger to Inquiry," From the Unthinkable to the Unavoidable, ed. C. Rittner and J. Roth (Westport, CT, Praeger) 149-55. Web version.

(2) "Foreword," Echoes from the Holocaust, M. Kimmelman (Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee Press) xii-xvi.

(3) "Jacob B. Agus as a Student of Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism," American Rabbi: The Life of Jacob B. Agus, ed. S. Katz (New York, New York University Press) 85-108.

(4) "Creating Zoharic Texts," CJ, (Summer) 59-68. Web version.

(5) develop my website <http://www.emory.edu/UDR/BLUMENTHAL>

(6) Reading Genesis (a web-designed article)

(7) Praying Ashrei (Meditations on Psalm 145) (a web-designed article)


(1) "A Voice Beyond Auschwitz: Holiness" (reprint of chapter 3 of Facing the Abusing God ), Signposts on the Way of Torah, ed. J. Neusner (Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing) 321-29.

(2) "Theodicy: Dissonance in Theory and Praxis," Concilium, 1: 95-106; appeared simultaneously also in Italian, German, French, and Spanish. Web version.

(3) "Repentance and Forgiveness," Cross Currents, (Spring) 75-81; reprinted Journal of Religion and Abuse, (2005) 69-76; reprinted Jewish-Christian Relations (2012) on their website <jcrelations.com>. Web version. Translated into French as "Le repentir et le pardon," by P. Lambert and J. Duhaime, " http://jcrelations.com/Le_Repentir_et_le_Pardon.3934.0.html?L=6.

(4) The Creator and the Computer (a web-designed article)

(5) "The Banality of Good and Evil: Antisocial Behavior, Prosocial Behavior, and Jewish Religious Teaching," Good and Evil After Auschwitz: Ethical Implications for Today (Rome, SIDIC) 31:16-17. [See below, 2000:6.]

(6) "Reading Creation," Bibel und Midrasch, ed. G. Bodendorfer and M. Millard, Forschung zum Alten Testament, 22:117-66. Web version.

(7) "Many Voices, One Voice," Judaism 188:74 (Fall 1998) 465-74.

(8) "Kristallnacht," Atlanta Jewish Times, 11/27/98, p. 65.

(9) "Psalm 145: A Liturgical Reading," Hesed Ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, ed. J. Magness and S. Gitin, Brown Judaica Series, 320 (Atlanta, Scholars Press: 1998) 13-35. Web version.

(10) "Confronting the Character of God," God in the Fray: A Tribute to Walter Brueggemann, ed. T. Linafelt and T. Beal (Minneapolis, Fortress Press: 1998) 38-51. Web version.

(11) "La Banalità del Bene e del Male," Il Bene e Il Male Dopo Auschwitz, ed. E. Baccarini and L. Thorson (Milan, Paoline: 1998) 395-415.

(12) "Kavvana: l'art de la prière juive," transl. G. Séd-Rajna, La vie spirituelle (1998) 279-84. Web version.


"Despair and Hope in Post-Shoah Jewish Life," Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science 6:3/4 (1999) 1-18; reprinted in The Genocidal Temptation: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Rwanda, and Beyond, ed. R. Frey (Dallas, University Press of America: 2004) 173-86; Web version


(1) "From Wissenschaft to Theology," Selving: Linking Work to Spirituality, ed. W. Cleary (Milwaukee, WI, Marquette University Press: 2000) 102-112. Web version

(2) develop the Jewish Studies website <http://www.emory.edu/COLLEGE/JewishStudies>

(3) "Tselem; Toward an Anthropopathic Theology of Image," Christianity in Jewish Terms, ed. T. Frymer-Kensy, et al., (Oxford, Westview Press: 2000) 337-47. Web version

(4) "Le Kaddish, la prière juive pour les morts," La vie spirituelle (sept. 2000) 539-62. Web version.

(5) "What to Do: Approaches to Post-Holocaust Education," Humanity at the Limit, ed. M. A. Signer (Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press: 2000) 355-69. Web version

(6) "The Banality of Good and Evil: Antisocial Behavior, Prosocial Behavior, and Jewish Religious Teaching," Good and Evil After Auschwitz: Ethical Implications for Today, ed. J. Bemporad, et al. (Hoboken, NJ, Ktav Publishing: 2000) 285-99. [The version printed by SIDIC, above 1998:5, is a shortened version. This long version was also translated into German, French, and Italian in those editions of this book.] Web version.


(1) "Observations and Reflections on the History and Meaning of the Kaddish," Judaism, 197:50 (Winter 2001) 35-51; Web version

(2) "The Violence of God; Dialogical Fragments," Cross Currents (Summer 2001) 177-200; Web version

(3) "Perpetrator/Rescuer: The Two Key Factors," Remembering for the Future: The Holocaust in an Age of Genocide, ed. J. Roth and E. Maxwell (Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2001), II; 217-29. Web version

(4) "Three is Not Enough: Jewish Reflections on Trinitarian Thinking," Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Wendell S. Dietrich, ed. T. Vial and M. Hadley (Providence, RI, Brown Judaic Studies: 2001) 181-95. Web version

(5) "Kaddish," Judaism 197:50 (Winter 2001) 35-51 and Jewish Spectator (Winter 2001) 29-36. Web version


(1) "'Make Them as Tumbleweed,'" Strike Terror No More: Theology, Ethics, and the New War, ed. J. Berquist (St. Louis, Chalice Press: 2002) 130-37. Web version

(2) "Liturgies of Anger," Cross Currents (Summer 2002) 178-99. Web version

(3) "Commentary to Sefer Yetsira" taken from Understanding Jewish Mysticism, Servant of the Light website (Fall 2002).


"The Shulamite is Not the Woman of Valor," Relating to the Text: Interdisciplinary and Form-Critical Insights on the Bible, ed. T. Sandoval and C. Mandolfo (London/New York: T & T Clark International: 2003) 216-31.


(1) "Despair and Hope in Post-Shoah Jewish Life," The Genocidal Temptation: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Rwanda, and Beyond, ed. R. Frey (Dallas, University Press of America: 2004) 173-86; Web version.

(2) "Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Icons of our Century," The Genocidal Temptation: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Rwanda, and Beyond, ed. R. Frey (Dallas, University Press of America: 2004) 241-56. Web version


(1) "Now that John Paul II is No Longer with us," Cross Currents (Summer 2005) 234-40. Web version.

(2) "Repentance and Forgiveness," reprinted Journal of Religion and Abuse, (2005) 69-76; original Cross Currents, (Spring) 75-81. Web version.

(3) "The Images of Women in the Hebrew Bible," Marriage, Sex, and Family in Judaism, ed. M. Broyde, (Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield: 2005) 15-60. Web version


(1) "Ha-Aderet veha-Emunah," together with Sally Chambers Pias; published only in the Web version.


(1) "Women in Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately," together with Levi Stewart; published only in the Web version.

(2) "Cross Disciplinary Notes on Teaching the Shoah: Four Questions for Most Holocaust Courses," Testimony, Tensions, and Tikkun: Teaching the Holocaust in Colleges and Universities, Myrna Goldenberg and Rochelle L. Millen, eds. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2007) 160-71. Web version.


(1) "Emil Fackenheim: Theodicy, and the Tikkun of Protest," The Philosopher as Witness: Fackenheim and Responses to the Holocaust, ed. M. Morgan and B. Pollack (SUNY Press, Albany NY: 2008) 105-16. Web version.

(2) "Beware of Your Beliefs," Anguished Hope: Holocaust Scholars Confront the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, ed. L. Grob and R. Roth (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids MI: 2008) 50-67. Web version. Republished at: Mukta-Mona Writer's Corner and Islam Watch.


"Comment empêcher un nouvel holocauste?" Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale, 259 (juin 2010) 31-51. Web version.

"Israeli and Topical Judaica Philately."


"Protesting an Abusive God: Response to Bernard Schweizer," Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 30, 2011. Web version.


"Le repentir et le pardon," translation of "Repentance and Forgiveness," transl. P. Lambert and J. Duhaime, Relations judéo-chrétiennes, website only. Also includes reproducing the original English, website only.


(1) "How Might Another Shoah be Prevented," Conservative Judaism, 64:4 (Summer 2013) 99-109. Web version.

(2) "Praying Angry: A Jewish View," Rverberations, (Oct. 24, 2013).
(3) "What Did Joseph Want from His Brothers, “ TheTorah.com  (12/5/13).


(1) "Resistance as Happiness," Cross Currents (March 2014) 73-89.
(2) “The Akeda and Rosh ha-Shana: Invoking the Original Oath God was Forced to Make,” TheTorah.com (Sept. 2014).
(3) "The Rabbi and the Friar." Web Version; reprinted First Things, (Oct. 2014).
(4) “The Rabbinic Chronology of Lech Lecha,” TheTorah.com (Oct. 2014).


“Madonna’s “Isaac” / Madonna’s Akeda: A Lesson for Scholars, Old and Young,” The Immanent Frame, 5/15/2015.


“Filling the Awkward Silence: A Response to Laura Levitt on the Passing of Jacob Neusner,” Religion Dispatches, 12/16/2016.


(1) "Soul Repair: A Jewish View," Exploring Moral Injury in Sacred Texts, ed. J. McDonald (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Philadelphia: 2017) 33-46. Web version.

(2) “What are the Limits of Protest Theology? Review Essay?” D. Weiss, Pious Irreverence: Confronting God in Rabbinic Judaism and D. Blumenthal, Facing the Abusing God: A Theology of Protest, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 24:4 (2017) 620-25. Web version.

(3) “Aaron Hughes’s ‘Jacob Neusner: An American Jewish Iconoclast” and the Man I Knew,” Religious Studies News, 10/4/2017.

(4) Translation of "The Creator and the Computer" into Swedish by Swedish by Weronika Pawlak, 9/22/17. (Web version).


Translation of "Reading Genesis" into Slovak by Barbora Lebedova, 4/10/18. (Web version).

Translation of "Salvador Dali's 'Aliyah: The Rebirth of Israel'" in to Hindi by Nikol Barton, 5/15/18. (Web version).

Translation of "Repentance and Forgiveness" into Slovak by Barbora Lebedova, 5/28/18. (Web version).

Translation of Salvador Dali’s “Aliyah, the rebirth of Israel,” into Punjabi by Amaan Singh, 12/19/18. (web version).




“A Plague of Confusion: Coronavirus and Passover,” Canopy Forum, April 6, 2020. Web version.


"Soul Repair: A Jewish View," Canopy Forum, reprinted from Exploring Moral Injury in Sacred Texts, ed. J. McDonald (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Philadelphia: 2017) 33-46, Canopy Forum, Part One; Part Two; Part Three.


“Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, In Memoriam,” CSLR Celebrates the Life of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, November 13, 2020.


David Rosenthal, Interview with me on Dali’s “Aliyah, the Rebirth of Israel, Times of Israel, 10.29.2012.


“Praying for Israel’s Defenders,” Praying for the Defenders of our Destiny, ed. A. Hacohen and M. Butler (Institute for Jewish Research and Publications, Boston, MA: 2023) 144-46.


“Psalm 49: A Meditation on Death,” Gabriel: Tell This Man the Meaning of His Vision (Daniel 8:16), ed. Robert Deutsch and André Lemaire (Archaeological Center Publications, Tel Aviv, Israel : 2024) 28-33.



Return to head of document

Book Reviews


J. Soloveitchik, On Repentance, CJ, 31:37-9.


(1) S. Wiesenthal, The Sunflower, JSS, 40:330-2.

(2) D. Hartman, Maimonides: Torah and Philosophic Quest, JJS, 29:102-3.

(3) C. ten Boom, The Hiding Place and I. Rosenbaum, Holocaust and Halakha, Journal of Religion, 58:447-52; reprinted, Emory Studies on the Holocaust, 1:79-88.

(4) G. Green, Holocaust, (television version), Intermountain Jewish News, 5/5/78, p. 4; excerpted in The Jewish Observer, May 1978, p. 33; excerpted in Shalom, a quarterly newsletter published by the jewish peace fellowship, 11:2 (Summer 1978); reprinted in Martyrdom and Resistance, 5:1 (Sept.-Oct. 1978) p. 8; reprinted in J. Neusner, American Judaism: Adventure in Modernity, (Ktav, N.Y.) xvi-xviii.


(1) T. Des Pres, The Survivor, JSS, 41:330-2.

(2) A. Green, Your Word Is Fire, Journal of Mystical Studies, 2:95.


C. Raphael, Encounter with the Jewish People, CJ, 33:90-1; Southern Israelite, 10/19/79.


(1) R. J. Z. Werblowsky, Beyond Tradition and Modernity, JAAR, 49:146.

(2) A. Carmell and C. Domb, eds., Challenge: Torah Views on Science and its Problems, JAAR, 49:722.


(1) A. Neher, The Exile Of The Word, AJSnewsletter, 31:6.

(2) W. Novak and M. Waldoks, The Big Book of Jewish Humor, Jewish Spectator (Fall), 60.


(1) B. Jackson, ed., Modern Research in Jewish Law, Jewish Law Annual, Supplement One; idem., Jewish Law in Legal History and the Modern World, Jewish Law Annual, Supplement Two, AJSsnewsletter, 35:12

(2) Y. Eliach, Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust, JAAR, 52:402.


(1) C. Thoma, A Christian Theology of Judaism, Emory Studies on the Holocaust, 146-51.

(2) R. Abzug, Inside the Vicious Heart, Martyrdom and Resistance, Sept.-Oct. 2,4.


M. Wyschogrod, The Body of Faith, AJSreview, 11:116-21.


D. Hartman, A Living Covenant, AJSreview, 12:298-305.


M. Spero, Judaism and Psychology, MJ, 3:8, 300-03.


(1) D. Klemm, Hermeneutical Inquiry and R. Chopp, The Praxis Of Suffering, RSR, 15:122-5.

(2) M. Taylor, Erring, Cross Currents, 38:468-74.

(3) R. Choron, Family Stories, Atlanta Jewish Times, 4/14/89, 29.


(1) J. Levenson, Creation and the Persistence Of Evil, MJ, 10:105-10.

(2) S. Oliner, The Altruistic Personality, Critical Review of Books In Religion, 3:409-11


M. Leshem, Balaam's Curse, Jewish Spectator, Summer: 56-7.


(1) A. Laytner, Arguing With God, MJ, 12:105-10.

(2) A. Elon, Alama Di, Cincinnati Judaica Review, Spring, 78-9.

(3) C, Raphael, Festival Days: A History of Jewish Celebration, Midstream, 38: 43-4.

(4) "Twentieth-Century Kabbala," review of L. Kushner, God was in this Place and I, i did not know, Cross Currents, Winter, 551-4


(1) P. Schindler, Hasidic Responses to the Holocaust, Critical Review of Books in Religion (1993) 447-8

(2) I. Müller, Hitler's Justice: The Courts in the Third Reich, MJ, 23:95-106. Web version.

(3) A. Green, Seek My Face, Speak My Name, Modern Theology, 9:2 (April) 223-25. Web version.

(4) E. Umansky and D. Ashton, Four Centuries of Jewish Women's Spirituality, Jewish Spectator, Spring, 58-9. Web version.


(1) G. Kren and L. Rappoport, The Holocaust and the Crisis of Human Behavior, Martyrdom and Resistance, March-April, 2-3.

(2) E. Fogelman, Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust, Journal of Psychology and Theology, 23:62-3. Web version.


(1) K.-J Kuschel, "Ich schaffe Finsternis und Unheil": Ist Gott verantwortlich für das Übel and Laughter: A Theological Reflection, Cross Currents, Summer, 243-9.Web version.

(2) D. Fasching, The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Apocalypse or Utopia, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Winter, 142-3.

(3) D. Boyarin, Intertextuality and the Reading of Midrash , CCARJournal, Summer / Fall 1995, 81-83. Web version.


(1) L. Thomas, Vessels of Evil: American Slavery and the Holocaust, Jewish Spectator, Spring, 60-2.

(2) W. Safire, The Book of Job, Jewish Spectator, Fall, 54-5.


(1) M. Bar Zohar,Bitter Scent, Atlanta Jewish Times, 1/3: 71. Web version.

(2) M. Broyde, The Pursuit of Justice and Jewish Law, Jewish Spectator, Spring, 57-8.

(3) P. and S. Oliner, Embracing the Other, Pastoral Psychology, 46:2, 131-34. Web version.


(1) R. Linn, Conscience at War: The Israeli Soldier as Moral Critic, Jewish Spectator, Summer, 52-3. Web version.

(2) L. Levitt, Jewish and Feminism, Atlanta Jewish Times, 9/18/98, p. 92/135.


(1) M. Peskowitz and L. Levitt, Judaism Since Gender, Nashim, 2:173-77. Web version.

(2) B. Gur, Even Tahat Even, Jewish Spectator (Fall) 44-45.

(3) L. Levitt, Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home, and R. Adler, Engendering Judaism, Association for Jewish Studies Review, 24:1 (1999) 111-19. Web version.


(1) S. Kahn, Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Reproduction in Israel, Jewish Spectator (Summer 2001) book review section, 5-6. web version.

(2) Jon Levenson, The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son, Revue des études juives, 160:1-2 (janv. 2001) 265-68. web version

 (3) Tod Linafelt, Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust, Conservative Judaism, 54:1 (Fall 2001) 111-12. web version


(1) M. Broyde, Marriage, Divorce, and the Abandoned Wife in Jewish Law, Conservative Judaism, 54:2 (Winter 2003) 90-92.

(2) R. Nakashima Brock and R. Parker, Proverbs of Ashes: Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us, Journal of Religion and Abuse, 4:2 (2002) 75-80.


(1) L. Perdue, et al., Families in Ancient Israel, Cross Currents (Winter 2003) 565-66.

(2) Klein Halevi, Y., At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 10:1 (February 2003) 65-68.


(1) M. Konner, Unsettled: An Anthropology of the Jews, CJ, 56:4 (Summer 2004) 92-93. Web version.

(2) H. Kasimow and J. and L. Keenan, Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha, Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies, 7-8 (2004-05) 106-08. Web version.


(1) R. Gibbs and E. Wolfson, Suffering Religion, JAAR, 73:1 (March 2005) 249-51. web version.


(1) A. J. Heschel, Heavenly Torah as Reflected Through the Generations, ed. and transl., T. Tucker, Reviews in Theology and Religion, 13:1 (Feb. 2006) 136-41. web version

(2) C. Madsen, The Bones Reassemble: Reconstituting Liturgical Speech, Reviews in Theology and Religion, 13:2 (2006) 197-99. web version.

(3) J. Woocher, Sacred Survival: The Civil Religion of American Jews, Review and Expositor, 103:1 (Winter 2006) 263-64.


(1) M. Kellner, Maimonides' Confrontation with Mysticism, Reviews in Theology and Religion, 14:2 (2007) 253-57. Web version.

(2). J. Flueckiger, In Amma's Healing Room: Gender and Vernacular Islam in South India, Reviews in Theology and Religion, 14:3 (2007) 407-08. Web version.


B. Cohen, My Jesus Year: A Rabbi's Son Wanders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 270-72. Web version.


(1) T. Buergenthal, A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 17:2, 160-71. Web version.

(2) Siddur B'Chol L'vav'cha: With All Your Heart and Siddur Sha'ar Zahav, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 17:3, 341-44. Web version.


(1) D. Lavett, A Still, Small Voice: Healing from Abuse, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 18 (Jan.. 2011) 101-03. Web version.

(2) D. Merkur, Maimonides' Cure of Souls: Medieval Precursor of Psychoanalysis, Reviews in Religion and Theology (long version), 18:2 (2011) 176-81.Web version.

(3) D. Merkur, Maimonides' Cure of Souls: Medieval Precursor of Psychoanalysis (short version), Shofar, 29:4 (2011) 154-57.Web version..

(4) S. Fishkoff, The Rebbe's Army; Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch, Atlanta Jewish Times,6/7/2011. Web version..

(5) E. Fishbane, As Light Before Dawn: The Inner World of a Medieval Kabbalist, Spiritus, 11:1 (Spring 2011) 133-35. Web version.


(1) A. Hoffman and P. Cole, Sacred Trash: The Lost and Found World of the Cairo Geniza, Shofar, 30:4 (Summer 2012) 200-01. Web version.

(2) T. Harbin, Waking Up Blind: Lawsuits Over Eye Surgery, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 19:4 (Sept. 2012) 460-63. Web version.


(1) M. Davis, Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition, Reviews in Religion and Theology, (Jan. 2013) 20-32. Web version.

(2) T. Linafelt, et al., The Fate of King David: The Past and Present of a Biblical Icon, Reviews in Religion and Theology, (Jan. 2013) 85-87. Web version.

(3) J. Skibell, A Curable Romantic,Reviews in Religion and Theology, (Jan. 2013) 127-28. Web version.


(1) D. Schoenfeld, Isaac on Jewish and Christian Altars: Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria, RRT 21:4 (Sept. 2014) 527-29. Web version.


(1) M. Shaked, Moshe Landau, Judge, RRT 22:1 (Jan 2015) 84-88. Web version.

(2) R. Brock and G. Lettini, Soul Repair: Recovering from Moral Injury After War, RRT 22:1 (January 2015) 13-16. Web version.

(3) J. Carter, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power, RRT 22:1 (January 2015) 18-20. Web version.

(4) O. Yeglin, Restless Shards: The Sources of Abba Kovner's Poetics, Shofar 33.4 (2015) 190-91.

(5) B. and J. T. Sterman, The Purest Blue, Reviews in Religion and Theology, Reviews in Religion and Theology (Sept. 2015) 275-76. web version.

(6) R. Mikve, Midrash Vayosha: A Medieval Midrash on the Song at the Sea, Revue des etudes juives, 174:3-4 (juillet-décembre 2015) 451-52. web version.


(1) J. Kaplan, My Perfect One: Typology and Early Rabbinic Interpretation of Song of Songs, Reviews in Religion and Theology (Spring 2016) 55-56. web version.

(2) T. Lytton, Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food, Reviews in Religion and Theology (Spring 2016) 62-64. web version.

(3) A. Dershowitz, The World’s First (But Certainly Not Last) Jewish Lawyer, Reviews in Religion and Theology (Summer 2016) 285-87. web version.

(4) M. D. Baer, The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 23:4 (Oct. 2016) 432-34. web version

(5) M. Houellebecq, Soumission, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 23:4 (Oct. 2016) 515-16. web version


J. Gordon, Holocaust Postal History, Reviews in Religion and Theology (7/5/2017) 484-85.


M. Goldfeder, Legalizing Plural Marriage: The Next Frontier in Family Law, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25:4 (Oct. 2018) 674-76. Web version.




A. Zornberg, Moses: A Human Life, Reviews in Religion and Theology 26:1 (Jan 2019) 185-87. Web version.


Bat Ye’or, Autobiographie politique, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 26:2 (April 2019) 351-53. Web version.


D. Lavett, Ultimate Concerns, Reviews in Religion and Theology, Reviews in Religion and Theology (July 2019) 467-68.Web version.


D. T. Gubo, Blasphemy and Defamation of Religions in a Polarized World, Reviews in Religion and Theology, Reviews in Religion and Theology (July 2019) 434-36. Web version.



Bat Ye’or, La dernière khamsin, Reviews in Religion and Theology, (January 2020) 140-42.

Albrecht, Sarah. Dar al-Islam Revisited: Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West. Canopy Forum, May 8, 2020.


Melvin Konner, Believers: Faith in Human Nature, Reviews in Religion and Theology, (July 2020), 368-69.


S. Perry Brickman, Extracted: Unmasking Rampant Antisemitism in America’s Higher Education,
Reviews in Religion and Theology
November 2020) 476-78.


Anson H. Laytner, The Mystery of Suffering and the Meaning of God, Reviews in Religion and Theology  (November 2020) 446-51.


C. B. Divakaruni, The Palace of Illusions, Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies, 17 (2020) 149-50.




Omar Ghobash, Letters to a Young Muslim, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 28:1, 55-57.


Michael Broyde and Shlomo C. Pill, Setting the Table: An Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Rabbi Michael Yechiel Epstein’s Arukh Hashulhan, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 28:3 (July 2021)260-61.


Daniel J.N. Weishut, Intercultural Friendship: The Case of a Palestinian Bedouin and a Dutch Israeli Jew, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 28: (July 2021) 330-31.


Timothy Jackson, Mordecai Would Not Bow Down: Antisemitism, the Holocaust, and Christian Supersessionism (Oxford University Press; 2021), Canopy Forum, December 1, 2021.


Alexander Kaye, The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel (Oxford University Press: 2020), Reviews in Religion and Theology, 28:4 (October 2021), 384-86.


David Baddiel, Jews Don’t Count, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 28:4 (October 2021), 351-52.




Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present (Norton and Company, 2021), RRT (April 9, 2022) 49-51.


David Novak, Athens and Jerusalem: God, Humans, and Nature (Toronto, University of Toronto Press: 2019), Journal of Religion,37:2 (May 2022) 399-402.



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Book Notices


(1) B. A. Scharfstein, Mystical Experience, JAAR, 44:751.

(2) R. Le Déaut, et al., The Spirituality of Judaism, RSR, 5:282.

(3) M. Tanenbaum, et al., eds., Evangelicals and Jews in Dialogue, RSR, 5:276.


(1) A. Green, Your Word Is Fire, RSR, 6:239.

(2) B. Z. Bokser, The Jewish Mystical Tradition, RSR, 7:361.

(3) B. H. Levy, Le Testament de Dieu, RSR, 8:60.

(4) M. Mirsky, My Search For Messiah, RSR, 8:392.

(5) CCAR Yearbook xcci, RSR, 10:304.

(6) Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly, RSR, 11:87.


R. Levy, On Wings Of Awe, RSR, 133:174.

return to head of document

Lectures and Papers


(1) "Revelation: A Post-Modern View, A Response," Annual Convention, Rabbinical Assembly of American, Spring.

(2) "Religious Ethics and Humanism: The Case of Modern Judaism," Colloquium, Dept. of Religion and Program of Judaic Studies, University of Florida at Gainesville, Spring.


(1) "Modern Jewish Ethics," Colloquium, Dept. of Religion, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Spring.

(2) "How Can We Begin Talking About God," Florida State University, Tallahassee, Spring.

(3) "On Teaching the Holocaust," Panel, Conference on Teaching the Holocaust, Emory University, Spring.

(4) "Principles and Suggestions for an Adult Studies Program," Trienniel Meeting, International Council of Jewish Women, Spring.


"On the Nature of Kavvana," Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Fall.


(1) "On Teaching the Holocaust," Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Fall.

(2) "The Popular Jewish Response to the Holocaust," Annual Meeting, Association for Jewish Studies, Fall.

(3) "The Hasidic Story and the Religious Imagination," University of Tennessee, Winter.

(4) "Modernity: The Jewish Case," Continuing Seminar in Zionist Thought, Spring.


(1) "Memory and Meaning in the Shadow of the Holocaust," The Wolf and Najman Memorial Lecture, Spring.

(2) Task Team on Christian-Jewish Relations, Presbyterian Church of the United States, Spring 1981 - Spring 1983.


(1) "Why Six Million Died," Bureau of Jewish Education, Winter, with Jack Boozer.

(2) "Not Egalit, But Fraternit," Human Rights Graduate Seminar, Spring.


(1) "Faith and Grace in Judaism," Evangelicals and Jews: Coming of Age, Gordon College, Boston, Winter.

(2) Task Team on Christian-Jewish Relations, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Winter 1984 - 1986.

(3) "Creating Hasidic Stories," The Solomon Goldman Lectures, Spertus College of Judaica, Winter.

(4) Conference of American Holocaust Research Centers, Washington, Spring.


The Righteous Gentile, Washington Conference, Panel, Fall.


(1) "Jewish Spirituality: A Modern Response to Levi Yitzhak," All Saints Church, eight sessions; Bureau of Jewish Education, eight sessions, Fall.

(2) "The Diaspora and the Continuance of Jewish Creativity," National Foundation of Jewish Culture, Atlanta, Spring.


(1) "Family Life," respondent, Synagogue Council of America and the Southern Baptist Consultation, Emory, Fall.

(2) "Faith and Belief," The Temple, Atlanta, Fall.

(3) Seminarians Conference, Interdenominational Theological Center and the American Jewish Committee, organizer and respondent on "Suffering," Atlanta, Fall.

(4) "Teaching Psalms," Bureau of Jewish Education, Fall.

(5) "Creation -- What Difference Does It Make?" God and Creation, University of Chicago and Notre Dame, Spring.


(1) "The Presbyterian Document on Christian-Jewish Relations: A Critique," National Conference of Christians & Jews Study Group, Atlanta; Louisville Presbyterian Seminary Conference, Louisville, Spring.

(2) "Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Inadequacy of the Ecumenical Perspective," National Conference of Christians & Jews, Atlanta, Spring.


(1) "Contemporary Jewish Spirituality," U.A.H.C. Commission on Religious Living, Atlanta, Fall.

(2) "Jewish Spirituality," six lectures, University of Judaism, Los Angeles, Winter.

(3) "Elie Wiesel: The Job of Auschwitz," University of Judaism, Los Angeles, Winter.

(4) "Foresteps to Christian-Jewish-Muslim Dialogue," N.C.C.J. International Scholars Conference (Chair, Jewish team), Philadelphia, Spring.

(5) "Yom ha-Sho'ah: Fifty Years Later," Greenwood Cemetery, Atlanta, Spring.

(6) "Re-Reading the Psalms," Southeast Rabbinic Training Institute, Wildacres, Spring.


(1) Jewish and Black Seminarians Conference, American Jewish Committee and Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, Fall.

(2) "Prospects for Peace in the Middle East," Rothschild Institute, Atlanta, Winter.

(3) "Bible with Rashi" (six sessions) Teacher Training, Epstein School, Winter.

(4) Scholar in Residence, Shaarei Tefilla, Washington D.C., Spring. "Psalms" (two sessions), Rabbinical Assembly Convention, NY, Spring


(1) "Domesticating Mysticism," Jewish Theological Seminary, Fall.

(2) "Jewish Perspectives on Poverty," Fall.

(3) "Jewish Perspectives on Work," Fall.

(4) AJS, Constructive Theology Section, chair, Winter.

(5) NCCJ Trialogue, Winter.

(6) NCCJ Trialogue Forum, Winter.

(7) Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinic Training Institute, Winter.(8) "Maimonides," Washington Kallah, Winter.

(9) Scholar in Residence, Baltimore, Spring.

(10) "Altruism and Risk" Conference, organizer, Spring.


(1) "Documenting the Holocaust," U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Spring.

(2) "Jewish Spirituality," Atlanta, Winter & Spring.


(1) "Being Angry With God," and "Forgiveness and Protest," Called to Make Justice, Chicago, Spring.

(2) "Maimonides Guide," seven Wexner leadership classes, Atlanta, Fall.


(1) "Songs of Anger," Jewish Educational Kallah, Atlanta, Fall

(2) "Five Pillars of Jewish Education," Jewish Continutiy in America, Atlanta, Fall.

(3) "The Computer and Jewish Texts," Emory ITD conference, Fall.

(4) "The Zohar," seven Wexner leadership classes, Atlanta, Fall.

(5) "Judaism and Hinduism," panel, AAR, Washington, Fall.

(6) "How I Changed and Remained the Same," Southeast AAR, Atlanta, Spring.

(7) "Unrelenting Protest," Southeast AAR, Atlanta, Spring.

(8) "Psalm 44," class, Columbia Theological Seminary, Spring.

(9) talk about Facing the Abusing God, Chaplain's Tea, Emory Museum, Departmental Booksigning, local synagogue, local church, Ashville (NC), Emory Herndon Lecture in Ethics; Spring.

(10) "The Holocaust as a Paradigm of our Century," Facing the Future, Berlin, Spring.

(11) Medieval and Modern Judaism, five Wexner leadership classes, New York, Spring.


(1) "Reading Psalms, Scholar-in-Residence, Epstein School Parents Retreat, Spring.

(2) "The Psalms of Anger," Georgia Council on Child Abuse Workshop, Spring.

(3) "Interpreting Psalms," Scholar-in-Residence, in German Theologische Hochschule, Neuedettelsau, Germany, Summer.

(4) "Genesis," fourteen Wexner leadership classes, Atlanta, Fall and Spring.

(5) "Jews and Catholicism," Wexner Leadership Institute, Fall.

(6) "Response to John Cobb," American Academy of Religion, Fall.

(7) Facing the Abusing God, Association for Jewish Studies, session on the book, winter 1994; Mary Washington College, two-day seminar on the book, Spring; Fairfield University, talk, Spring. Hebrew Union College, NY, talk, Spring.

(8) "Obedience and Altruism," John Lewis Interfaith Institute, Atlanta, Spring.


(1) four lectures on the Zohar in French, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France, Spring.

(2) six week course on the Zohar, Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy, Spring.

(3) "Facing the Abusing God," three-day conference in German, Austrian Christian-Jewish Dialogue, Austria, Fall.

(4) "Facing the Abusing God," University of Birmingham, England, Spring.

(5) "Facing the Abusing God", Oxford University, England, Spring.

(6) "The Banality of Good and Evil," Oxford Centre for Post-Graduate Jewish Studies, England, Spring.

(7) "The Banality of Good and Evil," Goldner Holocaust Symposium, Wroxton, England, Spring.


(1) "Obedience and Disobedience: Ethics and Social Science," Epstein School: Faculty Conversation, also PTA meeting, Fall.

(2) "Obedience and Disobedience: Ethics and Social Science," Emory Law and Religion Program, Spring.

(3) "Obedience and Disobedience: Ethics and Social Science," Bnai Torah adult education, Spring.

(4) "The Banality of Good and Evil," Yale University, Divinity School and Slifka Jewish Student Center, Fall.

(5) "Jewish Spirituality," Norfolk News Jewish Community Center, Spring.

(6) "The Rabbi Visits Rome," Chaplain's Tea, Emory University, Spring.


(1) "What to Do," "Humanity at the Limit," Notre Dame, Spring.

(2) Pastora Goldner Holocaust Symposium, Wroxton, England, Spring.


(1) Charry Scholar in Residence, Germantown Jewish Center, Philadelphia, Fall


(1) "How Might Another Holocaust be Prevented," United States Holocaust Museum, Fall; European Jewish Community
Center, Winter audio of the lecture

(2) Krystallnacht Memorial, Atlanta, Fall.


Salvador Dali's "Aliyah, the Rebirth of Israel," talk at Opening Ceremonies: Emory University (March, 2015), Brown U:niversity - RISD (September, 2015), University of Washington, Denver University, Boston University; Tenenebaum Lecture at University of South Carolina.

“Teaching the Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers,” The Future of Jewish Philosophy, ASU, September 2016.

“Comments to Deborah Lipstadt’s Denial,” Jewish Community Center, Atlanta, September 2106.