Fall 2016



R. Prior (; 2-8625)

D. Blumenthal (; 404-634-3833)

T, Th 10:00-11:15

Candler Library 212



Texts from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament and their musical interpretations by great composers of Western culture. Works examined will include: HaydnÕs ÒCreation,Ó CoplandÕs ÒIn the Beginning,Ó BrittenÕs ÒNoyeÕs FluddeTallisÕ ÒLamentations of Jeremiah I and II,Ó StravinskyÕs ÒSymphony of Psalms,Ó AllegriÕs ÒMiserere,Ó and GibbonsÕ ÒThis is the Record of John.Ó



A Bible (any translation, though we recommend the Jewish Publication Society translation)

Other materials will be provided.


Pre-requisites, Requirements, and Assessment:

This course is taught jointly with the Departments of Music and Religion; no pre-requisites.

Students will be expected to complete all assignments, to participate actively in class, and to review all recordings. Assessment will be based upon a mid-term and final comprising short answer questions and a short essay. A paper may be submitted in lieu of the final with permission of the instructors.





Aug. 25           Introduction; begin text of Genesis 1

Aug. 30           Genesis 1

Sept. 1             Genesis 2 and 3

Sept. 6             HaydnÕs ÒCreationÓ

Sept. 8             HaydnÕs ÒCreationÓ

Sept. 13           CoplandÕs ÒIn the BeginningÓ


NoahÕs Flood and the Akeda

Sept. 15           Genesis 6:5 Ð chapter 7

Sept. 20           Genesis 8 and 9

Sept. 22           BrittenÕs ÒNoyeÕs FluddeÓ

Sept. 27           The Binding / Sacrifce of Isaac: Genesis 22

Sept. 29           BrittenÕs ÒCanticle II/War RequiemÓ


Lamentations and Absalom

 (Oct. 4            no classes; Rosh HaShana)

Oct. 6              II Kings 22-25; Jeremiah 27-28, 37, 44

(Oct. 11           no classes: Fall Break)

Oct. 13           Lamentations

Oct. 18           TallisÕ ÒLamentations of Jeremiah I and IIÓ

Oct. 20           the story of Absalom: II Samuel 13-19

Oct. 25           Weelkes, Tomkins, and Whitacre, ÒWhen David Heard that Absalom was SlainÓ



Oct. 27           Psalms 23, 131, 133

Nov. 1             Bernstein, ÒChichester PsalmsÓ (Psalm 108 and 100; 23 and 2; 131 and 133)

Nov. 3             Psalm 38-39

Nov. 8             Stravinsky, ÒSymphony of PsalmsÓ (38, 40, 150)

Nov. 10           Psalm 44 or 109

Nov. 15           TBA


The Life and Death of Jesus

Nov. 17           the Synoptic Gospels

Nov. 22           the Gospel of John

(Nov. 24          no classes; Thanksgiving)

Nov. 29           AllegriÕs ÒMiserereÓ

Dec. 1              GibbonsÕ ÒThis is the Record of JohnÓ


Conclusion Ð Dec. 6


Final due Ð Dec. 00