The Sacrifice
of Sarah
by Ali Witte
1. SOME TIME AFTERWARD (XXII, 1) – Meaning after Elohim made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah that their offspring would be made into a great nation as it says ÒI will make of you a great nation, And I will bless youÓ (Genesis XVII, 1-8).
GOD PUT ABRAHAM TO THE TEST (XXII, 1) – ÔElohim, HineniÕ Sarah said, ÔHere I am, too. I laughed in the presence of angels when You gave me Yitzhak, and I am also worthy to be tested as it is written, ÔThou hast given a banner (nes) to them that fear Thee, that it may be displayed (le-hithnoses)[1]É in order to try them in the world and exalt them in the world like a shipÕs ensign [flying aloft].Õ[2]
2. AND GOD SAID TO ABRAHAM, TAKE NOW THY SON, THINE ONLY SON... ISAAC, WHOM YOU LOVEÉ AND OFFER HIMÉ AS A BURNT OFFERING (XXII, 2). Sarah overheard, and said to Elohim, ÔThis must be a mistake. Is this not also test? You have not even addressed me directly about taking a gift given to me. How can You take it without asking me? Why do You ask Abraham only?Õ That night, Sarah could not sleep. She got up early, and watched Abraham saddle his ass for the journey as it is said, AND HE TOOK WITH HIM TWO OF HIS SERVANTS AND HIS SON ISAAC (XXII, 3). ÔIÕm going, too,Õ Sarah told Elohim, and she followed them to Mount Moriah (THE PLACE OF WHICH GOD HAD TOLD [THEM] (XXII, 3)). She followed Abraham and Yitzhak up the mountain, and watched as Abraham BOUND HIS SON ISAACÉ ANDÉ PICKED UP THE KNIFE TO SLAY HIS SON (XXII, 10). From the thicket, Sarah asked Elohim, ÔWhat about Your promise to us? How are we to pass down our covenant to Yitzhak if he is dead?Õ Sarah suddenly understood and said, ÔIs passing down this covenant more than passing down our blood? Do You want us to pass down our ensign? Are we to pass on to Isaac our commitment to You? Hineni, use me as You will.Õ Sarah prayed to the Lord, ÔSpare Isaac. Take me instead. Stop AbrahamÕs hand; remember Your covenant with us.Õ[3] AND THE LORD TOOK NOTE OF SARAH (Gen. XXI, 1) -- He sent a ram to take IsaacÕs place. Then an angel spoke to Abraham, saying, DO NOT RAISE YOUR HAND AGAINST THE BOYÉ BECAUSE YOU [Sarah] HAVE DONE THIS (XXII, 16). Sarah pushed the ram into the clearing, and Abraham OFFERED IT UP AS A BURNT OFFERING IN PLACE OF HIS SON (XXII, 13).
AND SARAHÕS LIFETIMEÉ CAME TO ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS (XXIII, 1) – God heard her prayer on Mount Moriah, and honored her request.[4]
[1] Nes and le-hithnoses mean to prove or try, Òwith the idea of exaltation, from nes, an ensign flying aloftÓ (Midrash Rabbah, Genesis LV:1, 1). God is setting Abraham and Sarah as a banner, testing them to give them an opportunity to demonstrate their faith, Òso that He may then exalt themÓ (Midrash Rabbah, Genesis LV1:, 1).
[2] Ps. LX, 6, as cited in Midrash Rabbah, Genesis LV:1, 1.
[3] Genesis XVII, 1-8.
[4] ÒRemember Your covenant with usÓ – On the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the story of the Akedah is read, and the blowing of the shofar commemorates SarahÕs wails over IsaacÕs near-death.